

This school is notified of from the Ministry of Justice as a Japanese educational institution. (The 5738th issue of official gazette on February 14, 2012)

Study abroad course application requirements

Application qualification

  1. ・person who completes school curriculum for 12 years or more in foreign country
  2. ・Person (It is a course for one year) terms and conditions above nthat the ability more than Japanese Language Proficiency Test   N3 level.
    ・Person (It is a course for one year six month/one year three month) terms and conditions above that the ability more than Japanese Language   Proficiency Test   N4 level.
    ・Person(It is a course for two year/one year nine month) terms and conditions above that the ability more than Japanese Language Proficiency Test   N5 level.
  3. Person should be filled the above mentioned No.1 and No.2, and it is a person within five years after it graduates of the final  academic background.

Application procedure

Required documentation


Required documents list Download

(1) Documentation onthe applicant

1.Six ID photos(took a picture within 6 month, size4cmx3cm)
2.Application FoamExample(EXCEL)
3.Resume & Written reasen of entering schoolExample(WORD)
4.Written Guarantee and RecognizanceExample(WORD)
5.Certificate of graduation and transcript of the final academic background
Student registration certificate(Only attending school)
6.Studying Japanese certificate or Japanese ability certificate
about japanese please click here
7.Incumbency certificate(Only entering on a profession when applying.
8.Copies such as family registries and ID card
9.Health report
10.Passport Copy

(2)Documents for Financial Supporter

When the applicant himself pays
1.Certificate of balance of bank
(Correspond for 1.5million yen or more for one year in the
    course for two years and three million yen or more)
2. Copy of income certificate and bankbook(three years or more)
3.Incumbency certificate or permit of occupation certificate
    or business,etc.
1.The Statement of Financial SupportExample(WORD)(Immigration Bureau specification foam)
2.Document that proves relations between applicant and those who pay
3.Certificate of bank balance and copy of bankbook(three years or more)
 ( Correspond for 1.5million yen or more for one year in the
    course for two years and three million yen or more)
4.Documents regarding occupation of the sponsor
Employee of a company Certificate of employment
Executive of a company Legal personality registration
Self employed Certificate of independent business
Documents regarding income and family of the sponsor In case the sponsor lives abroad Document of proof for family members of the sponsor (registration document of all the members of the family)
Proof of income (in case the sponsor works for a company; proof covering income of the past three years )
Proof of tax payment
In case the sponsor is Japanese or is living in JapanIn case the sponsor is Japanese or is living in Japan Proof of total income (proof of tax payment showing the total amount of income issued by city or town)
Resident’s card for all the family members

  • Please note that the application might not be accepted when there is incompleteness in the document.
  • An additional document might be necessary in this school and go to the office Immigration Bureau.
  • Please send a more necessary keeping from after making the copy beforehand though originals are returned after it enters aschool.
  • Those who pay expenditure are limited by the relative up to 3 degree of relationship.
  • Please offer so to doing the delivery application of one and the authorization of resident eligibility that Japan stayed for a long term before.

How to submit documents

Please pay the selection fee by the bank transfer after submitting
the filing document by mailing.

Deadline, December 1 for new students in April
June 1 for new students in October
April 1 for new students in July
October 1 for new students in January
Address for Application Form
   Nagoya International Foreign Language School
   30-18 Tatsumi-cho Minato-ku Nagoya city Aichi Japan
   Zip code 455-0003
Please send the filing document with EMS, DHL, and FedEx etc.

Selection and Entering a Country

◆Our School Selection

 《 Applicant screening → Written examination → 
      Interview → Pass or fail decision and notification 》

After the application document is accepted, the written examination and the interview hall are reported.
The entrance permit is issued to the successful applicant. Please pay the entrance fee.

  • When entrance is declined after it admits, neither the selection fee nor the entrance fee are restored.

◆Immigration Bureau Examination

 《 Selection passing person's document is submitted to
  Immigration Bureau → Immigration Bureau examination 》

"Authorization of Resident Eligibility" will be issued to passer of Immigration Burear examination.
It can receive after school expenses are delivered "Authorization of Resident Eligibility"
In case April entrance, the examination result comes out at about the end of February

Entering a Country from Departure Formalities

◆Entering a Country from Departure Formalities

 《 "Authorization of Resident Eligibility"Issuance → 
It is an application for visa to study abroad in a local Japanese embassy (consulate) →  Airline ticket reservation → Leaving the country →Japan entering a country 》

Please inform this school of the day of entering a country.It comes to face the airport if arrangements of entering a country are made, and it is necessary.

School Expenses

Tuition details

course Selection
Tuition Others Total
2years course Selection
total 1,200,000yen
Health care
total 100,000yen
1,375,000 yen*
1 year and 9 months course
new students in july
total 1,050,000yen
(1 year 9 moths)
Health care
total 100,000yen
1,212,500 Yen*
1 year and a half course
new students in october
total 900,000yen
(1 year 6 mornts)
Health care
total 75,000yen
1,050,000 Yen*
* Tax (10%)is not included

How to pay tuition




TEL 052-355-9981
FAX 052-355-9982
